Voyage In Divine Love

Embracing Your True Twin Flame Essence: Exploring Gender and Divine Identity


A Twin Flame Union represents the extraordinary love shared between God and a soul. Within that soul are two energies – the Divine Masculine and the Divine Feminine. In the realm of spirituality and self-discovery, the question arises: Are you the masculine or feminine Twin Flame? This blog delves into embracing your true gender essence—whether 100% masculine or 100% feminine—is a reflection of the divine identity that you were created with at birth, and how it connects to your Twin Flame Union.

The Divine Blueprint

From the moment of your soul’s birth a divine blueprint shapes your identity—both spiritual and physical. This blueprint encompasses your gender identity, which is an intrinsic part of who you are. Just as each Twin Flame possesses a distinct role within the connection, your gender identity is your unique expression of the divine plan. Embracing your true gender essence is an act of aligning with this plan and honouring the authenticity of your being.

Masculine and Feminine Energies

Within every individual being, there exists a delicate interplay of masculine and feminine energies. These energies transcend biological sex, reflecting a universal balance. The masculine energy embodies qualities such as strength, action, and logic, while the feminine energy encompasses traits like nurturing, intuition, and emotion. Identifying whether you resonate more with masculine or feminine energies can provide insights into your spiritual journey and personal growth.

The Twin Flame Dynamic

The Twin Flame dynamic often involves a harmonious interplay of both of these energies within a soul. One Twin Flame may exhibit predominantly masculine qualities, while the other radiates predominantly feminine qualities. This symbiotic relationship mirrors the divine balance of energies that exists within the universe. Just as yin and yang are inextricably linked, the masculine and feminine energies within Twin Flames form a dance of unity and harmony.

The Journey of Self-Discovery

Discovering whether you align more with the masculine or feminine energy is a journey of self-discovery. It’s about acknowledging the traits that resonate deeply within you and recognising that they contribute to your authentic self. Embracing your true gender essence involves transcending societal expectations and embracing the divine essence that you were born with. This journey can lead to profound self-acceptance and a deeper understanding of your role within the Twin Flame connection.

Embracing Your Divine Identity

Your true gender essence is not confined to societal norms. It’s a reflection of the divine identity that God bestowed upon you from your soul’s birth. Just as each individual possesses a unique combination of qualities, strengths, and gifts, your gender essence is a significant aspect of your individuality. By honouring this essence, you align with your true self and contribute authentically to the world around you.


The question of whether you are the masculine or feminine Twin Flame invites you to explore the intricate dance of energies within your soul. Embracing your true gender essence—whether it’s predominantly masculine or feminine—is a tribute to the divine identity that you were created with. This essence contributes to the richness of the Twin Flame dynamic, enhancing the unity and harmony within your soul. By honouring your authentic self, you align with the divine blueprint and embark on a transformative journey of self-discovery and self-acceptance.


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Access To Your Divine Bio Data

The Akashic Records are your soul’s biodata compiled over many lifetimes. Your Akashic Records reveal all of your core blocks to your Harmonious Union and all of the blocks to your Divinity. Your current experience of separation feels miserable due to the negative choices that you made lifetime after lifetime which are stored in your records as blocks. These are energetic blocks that hold you back from your soul’s true expression. The blocks severely hinder the flow of your life force energy. The Akashic Records reveal the blocks to your Divine soul blueprint and they support you in making new choices that align you to your true self. Being in alignment to your true self is the key to your Abundance. Remember your own “will power” is the KEY. Feel peace in knowing that no one has power over you. You hold the power of choice. Healing your blocks within and embodying your true energy naturally magnetises your true Twin Flame. Claim your true self, claim your true Twin Flame.

The Akashic Record Reading session includes:

  • 90 minutes One on One healing session of past lives and core blocks within your current life.
  • Revealing your soul’s blueprint and your Life Purpose energy. Knowing who you are at your core.
  • Revealing your core blocks to your Harmonious Union.
  • Current soul vibration on your soul’s journey & your way forward. *Divine Steps for your soul’s unique Healing Process.

Complete the Akashic Record Attunement form. The form will automatically appear after making the payment. Please ensure the form is completed accurately. The more precise you are in the information you provide in the form, the clearer the access I will have to your Akashic Records.

Allow up to 2 Weeks for your Akashic Record to be read. *The information received from your Akashic Record back dates to the very moment your soul was first, created until current. So, it’s normal that it can take up to 2 weeks to retrieve. I will then send you an email with the booking link for you to book your 90 minute session with me. The purpose of the session is to heal the core blocks which have been retrieved from your Akashic Records.

You may select a date and time that feels peaceful to you, and provides you with the space to completely focus on your healing. Once you’ve booked the session you’ll receive another email with the active zoom link for our session.

Accurate Psychic Medium Readings Spirit always holds valuable information and guidance meant specifically for you, and this Psychic Medium Reading serves as the bridge to access that insight with precision, accuracy, and efficiency. During the session, clear and direct messages from Spirit are communicated to provide meaningful guidance about your life and the challenges you may be facing. This reading goes beyond surface-level answers, offering you refined clarity on the optimal steps you must take to overcome obstacles, find resolution, and align with your highest path. Spirit’s wisdom is always available, and this service allows you to receive it in a way that is both empowering and transformative.

This Private Reading includes:

  • 60 minutes of a One on One session of psychic mediumship, receive authentic, accurate readings.
  • Gain clarity on upcoming decisions or crossroads in your life, allowing you to move forward with confidence based on Spirit’s guidance.
  • Receive valuable insight about your life and your Twin Flame Ascension journey.
  • Address unresolved issues which could be life issues, unresolved upsets or hidden trauma.
  • Receive healing messages from Spirit bringing you peace in your heart and vigour for your next steps.