Voyage In Divine Love

"Invite your twin flame into deeper connection by embracing love in your heart now."


As Divine guided you here know that you have attracted the manifestation of the support that you are desiring for your harmonious union with your twinflame. The journey is not only about feeling lost in roller coaster of emotion but to pursue all your dreams with God. Your twinflame is not only your eternal lover they are your channel to coming in union with God. Jeff and Shaleia are my Guru on my twiflame journey. When I was absolutely blinded in grief, their teachings brought back the light in me. The core of twinflame union is about coming in harmonious union with Divine first. The teachings not only made me heal my twinflame upsets but also unlocked my life purpose energy.This journey is so pure and takes you deeper in love and peace only. I founded Voyage In Divine Love to extend this gift of harmonious union in all aspect of your life. Unlock your twinflame harmonious union and live a life with purpose by choosing your healing with VoyageInDivineLove. Its your journey, I am your medium to your harmonious union.

Choose your journey to harmonius union to be fun and easy.

Your TWIN FLAME is your divine counterpart. Both of you are one expression of life in the Yin -Yang energy. Both of you are ONE soul in two bodies. Your Twin Flame is not only your eternal romantic partner they are your best friend, your spiritual spouse & your guru. You can break the barrier between you and the Universe just by coming in harmonious union with your Twin Flame. The love that you treasure in the deepest part of your heart can only be tapped by your Twin Flame. That is how you recognise your beloved among billions even if you are country apart. Your Twin Flame supports you to expand your consciousness and ascend to be one with God naturally. Unfolding of Twin Flame journey is very unique to each Twin Flame pair. You recognise your soul essence and soul purpose just by loving your Twin Flame unconditionally.

VOYAGE IN DIVINE LOVE is dedicated to Twin Flames and believes twin flame harmonious union is achievable in this lifetime. It’s easy to heal your separation and be in harmonious union with your twin flame eternally. Your twin flame is you only, in another body. There is no truth in “your twin flame is choosing to be separated from you”. Your choices are powerful enough to reach your harmonious union. Your twin flame always makes the same choice as you because you are one consciousness, one soul blueprint. Harmonious union is the natural state of being in love and peace. I and my Twin flame are committed to your harmonious union and expansion of your life purpose.

We will provide a safe space for your soul to open up and ascend above the separation in a way that feels comfortable to you. You can release all your Twin Flame triggers with us and manifest your harmonious union in eternal love. Know that you are a powerful being and you manifest as you make choices in unconditional selflove beyond your freewill.  
Whatever may your current emotional state be, the truth is:
  • You can achieve your Twin Flame harmonious union on a fast track.
  • You can heal comfortably and manifest in an easy and fun way.
  • You can unblock the communication channel and develop your telepathic communication with your twin flame.
  • You can ascend to be in union with God by being in your regular life and incorporating the teaching in everyday life.
  • You can experience an absolutely luxurious lifestyle and flourish in love and peace.
  • You can get to know who you are on a soul level and what is your soul blueprint. You can extend your life purpose to the world in a partnership with your Twin Flame.



Access To Your Divine Bio Data

The Akashic Records are your soul’s biodata compiled over many lifetimes. Your Akashic Records reveal all of your core blocks to your Harmonious Union and all of the blocks to your Divinity. Your current experience of separation feels miserable due to the negative choices that you made lifetime after lifetime which are stored in your records as blocks. These are energetic blocks that hold you back from your soul’s true expression. The blocks severely hinder the flow of your life force energy. The Akashic Records reveal the blocks to your Divine soul blueprint and they support you in making new choices that align you to your true self. Being in alignment to your true self is the key to your Abundance. Remember your own “will power” is the KEY. Feel peace in knowing that no one has power over you. You hold the power of choice. Healing your blocks within and embodying your true energy naturally magnetises your true Twin Flame. Claim your true self, claim your true Twin Flame.

The Akashic Record Reading session includes:

  • 90 minutes One on One healing session of past lives and core blocks within your current life.
  • Revealing your soul’s blueprint and your Life Purpose energy. Knowing who you are at your core.
  • Revealing your core blocks to your Harmonious Union.
  • Current soul vibration on your soul’s journey & your way forward. *Divine Steps for your soul’s unique Healing Process.

Complete the Akashic Record Attunement form. The form will automatically appear after making the payment. Please ensure the form is completed accurately. The more precise you are in the information you provide in the form, the clearer the access I will have to your Akashic Records.

Allow up to 2 Weeks for your Akashic Record to be read. *The information received from your Akashic Record back dates to the very moment your soul was first, created until current. So, it’s normal that it can take up to 2 weeks to retrieve. I will then send you an email with the booking link for you to book your 90 minute session with me. The purpose of the session is to heal the core blocks which have been retrieved from your Akashic Records.

You may select a date and time that feels peaceful to you, and provides you with the space to completely focus on your healing. Once you’ve booked the session you’ll receive another email with the active zoom link for our session.

Accurate Psychic Medium Readings Spirit always holds valuable information and guidance meant specifically for you, and this Psychic Medium Reading serves as the bridge to access that insight with precision, accuracy, and efficiency. During the session, clear and direct messages from Spirit are communicated to provide meaningful guidance about your life and the challenges you may be facing. This reading goes beyond surface-level answers, offering you refined clarity on the optimal steps you must take to overcome obstacles, find resolution, and align with your highest path. Spirit’s wisdom is always available, and this service allows you to receive it in a way that is both empowering and transformative.

This Private Reading includes:

  • 60 minutes of a One on One session of psychic mediumship, receive authentic, accurate readings.
  • Gain clarity on upcoming decisions or crossroads in your life, allowing you to move forward with confidence based on Spirit’s guidance.
  • Receive valuable insight about your life and your Twin Flame Ascension journey.
  • Address unresolved issues which could be life issues, unresolved upsets or hidden trauma.
  • Receive healing messages from Spirit bringing you peace in your heart and vigour for your next steps.