Voyage In Divine Love

The Twin Flame Journey: Finding Your Joy & Purpose

When you think about your Twin Flame journey, granted that you think about the romance between you and your Twin Flame, meeting them in person, dating and then ultimately committing to one another and living happily ever after. And this is true, this is a big part of the Twin Flame journey.

But another part of the Twin Flame journey is your finding your Life Purpose. Embodying your purpose is equally as romantic and life giving to you, equally to the romance you experience with your perfect partner – your Twin Flame.

There is a Life Purpose which has been equally created for you in Divine perfection. This purpose is not just a job, or just a career. It’s literally who you are at the core of your being. Once you’ve discovered what that is, you have the key to unlock your Heaven.

Your Life Purpose is very likely something you already know you’re naturally good at. However, sometimes the veil of illusion can hide it and it may not yet be clear to you. You may currently be living another purpose which you believe is yours but is not in alignment with your Divinity. Or, perhaps you’re just in a dead end job, and aren’t yet pursuing your purpose and you may be just living month to month on a salary basis.

You may as what it means and how does it feel to live your life purpose. To live your life purpose gives meaning to a life that felt empty and meaningless. Before knowing what your life purpose is you may be financially poor or you may be a millionaire. But, none of that matters if the money you make comes from a place where you are taking from yourself and not living as your true, authentic self.

Living your life purpose feels wonderful. You are in your flow, life feels fun and easy, your work feels light, blissful and full of immense joy. It sets you alive. It sets you on fire with passion. You are filled with energetic life, and the source that is giving you that life keeps, giving and giving to you. When you live your life purpose and you’ve worked at your life purpose, then the night comes to an end and you need to go to bed to sleep and then it’s like you cannot wait to fall asleep just so you can wake up and jump out of bed so you can do your life purpose again all day. And every day thereafter for your eternal life. You are it and it is you. You are One with it.

Your Life Purpose is your expression of love to the world. No matter what your life currently looks like – you have a purpose and from the second your soul was created, you were created with a purpose.

Valentina Vettini

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